Mauro Caprioli
Is professional IT support really necessary?
Mauro Caprioli: The short answer is yes! Businesses can no longer afford to operate without IT. However, depending on the sector, the majority of companies lack the technical know-how to “do their own IT”. You need expertise to be able to match IT to a companies business strategies so that it ensures smooth operation.
What are the risks, especially for SMEs and sole proprietors?
Mauro Caprioli: On the one hand, it’s the infrastructure. SMEs and individual entrepreneurs in particular often have IT systems that have grown organically. Unfortunately, they frequently make the mistake of investing too little in IT initially. And then later, only invest in case of emergencies.
The opposite is also often true. Some companies overstretch themselves with IT costs because of either poor advice or a lack of advice, which makes it difficult for them to correctly assess their needs. In the longer run, it makes the most sense to concentrate on the right and necessary investments.
Another issue is underestimating the potential of optimised IT. In my daily work, I repeatedly see how much valuable time (and therefore money) many people could save if they made better use of the IT tools available to them. But they don’t. Either because they use their IT like a private consumer, or because They are not aware of the technological possibilities.
Regarding Security – What’s Truly Important?
Mauro Caprioli: Digital security has become an increasingly controversial issue. Because data is always associated with a value – very often a high monetary value – there are more and more threats to capture or misuse this data. Protecting company data from attack is clearly a must. Fortunately, awareness of this is on the rise as a result of media coverage.
On the other hand, there are current trends such as cloud storage or remote work, which potentially pose significant security risks if left unchecked without proper safeguards in place.
Topic IT training: Is there really anything left to learn?
Mauro Caprioli: Absolutely. Again, I know from experience that the potential of IT applications (think Microsoft Office) remains largely untapped. This is quite obviously due to a lack of proper training. Most knowledge acquired on this topic is largely self-taught or picked up from colleagues. Hardly anyone takes the time to find out if the tasks they need to perform could be done more efficiently, more easily or simply faster. But if you make training a priority, then time will be found to do it. From my many years of experience as an IT trainer, I can say that everyone, without exception, still has something to learn in the areas that directly affect them and can benefit from training. Finally, many of the daily processes could also be automated (keyword: macros and VBA).
About networks: Is there really a need for maintenance and support?
Mauro Caprioli: When I see the conditions that prevail in companies with little or no poor support at all, I can only say: Yes, definitely.
An important keyword in this context is hardware procurement. Just as not every coffee machine makes the same coffee, not all IT delivers the same level of functionality. There are many solutions for one and the same task, but not all of them are equally suitable and, of course, there are huge price differences. First and foremost, it is essential to get the right advice. On the other hand, I often find that even the best and most expensive components will only perform to their full potential if they are properly configured and maintained. Fortunately, nowadays, this rarely requires an on-site technician. Today, most maintenance can be carried out remotely and outside business hours.
An important keyword in this context is hardware procurement. Just as not every coffee machine makes the same coffee, not all IT delivers the same level of functionality. There are many solutions for one and the same task, but not all of them are equally suitable and, of course, there are huge price differences. First and foremost, it is essential to get the right advice. On the other hand, I often find that even the best and most expensive components will only perform to their full potential if they are properly configured and maintained. Fortunately, nowadays, this rarely requires an on-site technician. Today, most maintenance can be carried out remotely and outside business hours.
Topic: Telephony: Do alternatives such as VOIP really save time and money?
Mauro Caprioli: Time is probably not the most important factor when it comes to telephony. Of course, it comes into play indirectly because the installation and configuration of IP phone systems is usually much faster. Money can definitely be saved with a properly implemented VOIP solution. Apart from the fact that less expensive hardware is required, the scalability of VOIP systems can also be highlighted as a clear advantage. A VOIP phone system is simply more flexible, especially as the system grows. Especially for a manageable number of extensions, it is often a much cheaper option than a traditional telephone system. Not least, there is no need for separate cabling, as the existing network infrastructure can also be used. This in turn eliminates additional maintenance costs.
What advice would you give companies when choosing an IT service provider?
Mauro Caprioli: Basically, the type of IT service provider needs to match the company’s business strategy. From sole traders to international IT providers, they all have their advantages and disadvantages. I have learned from my clients that regardless of the service they utilize, the personal interaction holds significant importance to them. They appreciate the fact that I know them and their habits, but also the local circumstances of their company. They can turn to me with any of their questions at any time, and I provide them with competent advice and work reliably.